AACA 2001 Car Show
From the top of the hill near the clock tower

please allow the image to finish loading (about 650K) You'll then be able to pan and zoom as desired.
update....If you get an out of memory error, it's not the photo it's  Netscape! )

This is a full 360° pannable image
This panorama was taken from on top
the hill near the clock tower across the
highway from Hershey Park
October 13, 2001.  

- Click and drag the image to pan.

- Hold down the Shift key
and click to zoom in

- Hold down the CTRL key
and click to zoom out

...don't touch it and it will pan all by itself.

For those not familiar with Hershey Park, PA. or the  Fall Antique Automobile Club of America show held there each year....  The old Hershey Park Stadium is right in the middle, across the highway at the bottom of the hill.  Basically everything you see 'shiny'...  from the roller coasters on the left  to the new stadium (cranes sticking up above the sky line down the valley) going up on the right, is either a vendor, or a car on display. There are also two other fields not viewable from this precipice as they are on the other side of the trees off to the right (across from the new stadium), on this side of the highway. Early numbers suggest 48,000+ cars, and roughly 18,000 vendors were in attendance. 

Just to show how steep this hill was (what a hike!)
we're on, here's a good example of the angle of the hill

 hillangle2.jpg (9310 bytes)hillangle1.jpg (8897 bytes)

all material and photos copyright Teglerizer 2001                              Hit Counter