Spit6 / CGT6 Project

  Mixing and matching body styles

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   Front Bonnet Pivots

    Well this can really lead you to pulling your hair out. Depending on the chassis you choose to use, you may run into problems here. The front frame mounts that support the front bonnet hinge mechanics changed across model styles.

    The earlier MKII bonnet has the nice louvers, but it's stock mount configuration will not fit on a later model MKIV or 1500 series Spitfire chassis, or for that fact the GT6 MKIII chassis. You must switch chassis mount brackets to match the bonnet you want to use.


goldie_bonnetmount1.jpg (5357 bytes)
  Small box extension on the MKII with
the hinge mounts bolted to the outside
of the extension. Bonnet lip level with
frame rail when closed.


bonnethindge_gt6.jpg (11604 bytes)
Another shot of the  GT6 MKII bonnet mount
and frame connection

whitey_bonnetmount1.jpg (6091 bytes)
Larger box on frame with hinge
support inside box, hidden by bumper
overriders. Bonnet lip is now above
frame rail, covered by the side
quarter valance panels.

bonnethinge_spit.jpg (7420 bytes)
Spitfire 1500I bonnet mount and frame connection


   Lower Front Valance Panels

The lower front valance arrangement must stay with which ever bonnet type you pick.



   Rear track and fender clearance

    Another point to consider is the rear track of the car. The swing axles on the earlier MKI,II, and III Spitfires, were not as long as on the MKIV and 1500 series. The Roto-flex drive is the same width as the ???

    If you want to add roto-flex suspension to a Spitfire chassis, you need to weld brackets on the frame to support the rear lower a-arms.



   Rear suspension mounts
    You'll also need to modify the upper rear shock mount brackets. The roto-flex donuts, required the GT6 shock to stand up straighter for clearance sake. This required longer shocks, and mounts that were welded into the inner wall of the wheel well.

    On the Spitfire, (and GT6 without the roto-flex drive system) the upper shock mounts were on the frame itself, and the shocks were shorter.  Joe Curry makes a very nice bracket that solves this problem.